How Many Solar Panels Do I Need

How Many Solar Panels Do I Need?

When exploring your options for Long Island Power Solutions, you might find that panels and systems come with a lot of confusing terms. Cutting through the jargon will help you to make the right decisions about solar, especially when it comes to the size of your system. If you’re wondering how many solar panels do I need, then our team is ready to help.

With the help of smart solar financing and New York solar tax credits, it’s now easier and more affordable to go solar.

How Many Solar Panels? – Consider the Average Home

When asking how many solar panels do I need, the first thing that you should understand is that there are some complex calculations involved. The only way to properly size a solar system for your home is to talk to a certified solar installer. Everything before this point you can consider as a general guideline.

To get you into the ballpark, let’s consider a fairly standard system for the average home…

  • The average home in America needs around 15 to 19 solar panels to offset electricity bills and generate a return on investment.

Now that figure might seem quite simple, but there are other factors to consider. Solar isn’t simply a matter of installing enough panels to cover your consumption. As you probably know, solar only works during the daytime, and production output is different throughout the year. So, comparing solar panel output to your normal electricity bill isn’t a simple 1:1 equation.

When you get a free home solar estimate, the size of the system, the average consumption of your home, your budget, and even the position and orientation of your rooftop will be considered in the formula.

If you’re interested in Long Island Solar, please call us. We will walk you through the whole process of how to become energy independent!

Long Island Power Solutions Can Provide a Detailed Estimate

When you get your initial free home solar estimate, it will be based on the location of your home and the latest available satellite data. The first estimate will be a ballpark figure to get you thinking about the overall cost.

If you like the early numbers, then there will be a few more steps before you get the final estimate. These steps are designed to ensure that you get the best deal and a system that is suited to your family.

  • A technician will visit your home to inspect your roof and evaluate if your home is suitable for solar.
  • We’ll look at your average energy consumption, your utility bills, and the potential future needs of your home to develop an energy savings evaluation.
  • We use advanced technologies including drones and custom algorithms to determine how many panels your home will need.
  • We can evaluate the surrounding shade structures like trees to determine if any work is needed outside to improve the efficiency of a potential solar installation.
  • We’ll help you with no money down solar financing based on expected tax credits.

We’ll provide a final estimate based on our on-site evaluation. Most importantly, we’ll also prepare a cost/benefit analysis. This report will put the entire system into perspective, helping you to evaluate the investment in solar. Most solar systems will pay for themselves over time. At Long Island Power Solutions, we only recommend solar when it makes financial and practical sense for the homeowner.

Learn More About Your Installation and Smart Solar Financing Today

Our team is ready to start preparing your home solar estimate. We’ve connected more than 5,000 families so far, and we’d love to get started on your transition to clean energy.

Get your most important questions answered. How many solar panels do I need? How much will I save with solar? How long will it take to get everything done? Which New York solar tax credits apply for my installation? We have the answers to these and more.

Work with a team that understands how to leverage solar to meet the unique needs of your home and your family. Get your free online estimate today.

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