How Long Will Your Solar Panels Last

Do Long Island Solar Panels Protect Your Roof?

Installing solar can give you more financial freedom and energy independence. Solar saves you money because you’ll rely less on the grid, and it’s also a cleaner way to power your home. One surprising benefit of Long Island solar panels is that they can even help to protect your roof. With a reliable installer like Long Island Power Solutions, you’ll have a leak-free roof and even a cooler home in the summer.

Here’s what you need to know about how solar panels can affect your roof.

Solar Panels Can Protect Your Roof from the Weather

Solar panels will be installed on the area of your roof that gets the most consistent sunlight exposure. Solar panels can protect the roofing material underneath, so if this is one of the more exposed sections of your roof, the panels could ensure that the roof lasts through its warranty period.

Solar panels protect the roof by creating a barrier above the roofing surface. This can limit damage from rain, hail, wind, and snow. While this might not seem like a major benefit, especially considering that you’ll probably end up replacing your entire roof at the same time, it’s still good to know that Long Island solar panels could help some of the more exposed areas of your roof from taking damage.

Solar panels are made from durable materials designed to be resilient to all the weather experienced on Long Island. Rain, hail, snow, wind, and harsh sunlight won’t damage your solar panels. When you install solar with Long Island Power Solutions, you’ll have peace of mind with a 25-Year warranty on your panels.

If you’re interested in Long Island Solar, please call us. We will walk you through the whole process of how to become energy independent!

Your Panels Can Help to Keep Your Home Cooler

In the summer, your roof can contribute significantly to the heat in your home. As the roof heats up, so does the attic, and then other areas of your home.

Even though solar panels won’t cover your entire roof, they can significantly reduce the heat that is transferred into your home during the summer. Sunlight is absorbed by solar panels and converted into electricity. The area below the panels will be shielded from the light, and there will be room for air to move around. With a large array of solar panels, your home could be up to 35% cooler on the hottest summer days, thanks to your solar panels.

Long Island Power Solutions Uses Low-Penetration Racking and Flashing

We install solar panels with low-penetration racking and flashing to prevent leaks and damage to your roof. Your solar panels will be secured, and you won’t have to worry about anything going wrong throughout the lifetime of your solar panels.

You Can Invest in Solar with Smart Solar Financing

Our Smart solar financing model applies federal and New York solar tax credits to an initial interest-free period. The first loan will be based on expected tax credits. It’s interest-free and you won’t have to put any money down.

Once this is paid, you can transition to a standard term loan which can be customized so that the repayments are easy to manage. We provide solar financing through Sungage, one of the most experienced solar financing companies in America.

Learn More with a Free Home Solar Estimate

You can start your solar journey with a free home solar estimate from Long Island Power Solutions. The first estimate will be a ballpark figure based on satellite data. If you like the numbers, we’ll arrange for a site inspection and will provide a final estimate. We’ll also offer a detailed report where you can compare the cost and financial benefits of switching to solar.

Long Island solar panels won’t damage your roof and can even help to protect it. Choose the most reliable Long Island solar installer and make the switch to clean energy easy.

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